Get MathAround

Try it!

MathAround is a web-based application and is available to try out directly on any desktop or mobile device. Just visit:

When you first visit, please create a new account using your email address and password, or sign-in via any Google or Microsoft account:

Buy it!

U.S. schools, districts, and home school groups can purchase MathAround. Contact us to find out how.

For organizations, we have multiple ways to integrate into your student identity systems. Smaller orgs can opt to simply receive a list of usernames and passwords for each student. For larger orgs, we support such single sign-on integrations as Google, Microsoft and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). We’ll work with whatever you have.

Home school groups specify one adult administrator to manage and distribute student sign-in usernames and passwords.

Donate it!

Parents: it’s easy for you to donate licenses to your children’s class or entire school. Contact us to start the ball rolling.